Background Overview
Porting numbers is an important part of the overall process of implementing our service in our customers’ environment. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the number porting process and the important steps needed to help ensure a smooth transition as for our customers. etherFAX works with several carriers who, on our behalf, port numbers in accordance with applicable Regulatory Rules and Industry Guidelines. These carries require very specific and detailed requirements information when completing a port request. The following outlines the process.
Step 1:
Collect Information
A) Company Name, Company Address, Authorized Contact, and BTN (Billing Telephone Number) Warning: Match the information that your existing provider has on record. Any mismatched information will cause the port request to be rejected and will delay the porting process. Also, make sure that the number(s) you wish to port are associated with current service provider. B) Decide on either full or partial port. FULL PORT = You are porting all of the numbers on the account and you will not have any remaining numbers or services with the current provider. PRTIAL PORT = You will have remaining numbers and services on the account and wish to keep the current provider account active. NOTE: Not all numbers are portable due to the carriers’ footprint coverage areas. Please make sure your number(s) can be ported before your submit your request. You may confirm portability by contacting us directly at: [email protected] . |
Step 2: |
Complete Letter of Authorization (LOA)
Letter of Authorization (LOA): If you would like to proceed with the porting of your number(s), we will need a LOA and a copy of a recent phone bill from your current provider. Warning: We cannot initiate the porting process until all the appropriate documentation is submitted. |
Step 3: |
Submit Request
Documents Required: A. Completed LOA B. Current Phone Bill (Copy) All information can be emailed to [email protected] or submitted online here. You will then be contacted by a local number portability representative (LNP) who will confirm that your request has been received and will review your documentation. |
Step 4: |
Transition Period
During the transition period….Generally the porting process from start to completion can take anywhere from 1 to 5 weeks. Do not cancel service with your existing provider until the porting process is completed. Your request will be sent to the preferred carrier who covers the area. They will then start the process with your current carrier. Typically the loosing carrier has 7 business days to either release or reject the request for some reason. Please note that all loosing carriers work differently and some take longer than others. If you are porting more than 50 numbers at one time, this is considered a porting project and will automatically take longer to process. Losing carriers may reject the port request for several reasons. If your porting request is rejected by your current provider, it is the customer’s responsibility to follow-up and resolve any discrepancies with your current provider. Sometimes additional documentation like a CSR (Customer Service Record) from the current provider will clear up the rejections. When the rejection has been resolved, please advise your LNP representative and the port request will be resubmitted. Please keep in mind that anytime the carrier rejects the request and when it is resubmitted the process starts all over. Your Exucom LNP Representative will keep you apprised as to the status of your request. When your number(s) to port have been released, you will receive a Firm Order Confirmation date for when your number(s) will be ported. You will be asked to review your number(s) for accuracy, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to snap a number back once it has been ported, and we at Exucom know that mistakes can happen when listing numbers to port, so we like to make sure everything is correct prior to your port date. On this date, your Exucom LNP Representative will be notified from the carrier that your number(s) have been completed and activated and youwill be immediately notified directly from your LNP Exucom Representative. |